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Printdata has been developed to offer online access to reports published by the Information Services section of the BPIF.


We provide reports containing wage and salary details for around 70 different occupations in the Printing Industry.


If you are interested in wages and hours for production-based occupations please examine the Manpower survey.

** BPIF Manpower survey 2010 report available now **


For data on salaries and other provisions for managerial or non-production occupations then look to the Salary survey.



A range of company performance indicators can be found in Printing for profit.


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4 colour (B2, <B1)
4 colour (B2, <B1)
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4 colour machine minder (B2 but less than B1), 1st minder. 16 companies, covering
4 colour (<B2)
4 colour (<B2)
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4 colour machine minder (less than B2), 1st minder. 36 companies, covering 55 employees
Printing Outlook - Jul11
Printing Outlook - Jul11
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Market weakens as demand slips - more positive predictions for third quarter.
Warehouse manager
Warehouse manager
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Warehouse or transport manager. Responsible for the day-to-day running of the warehouse
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