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Manpower Report
Manpower Report

This report summarises the findings of the BPIF Manpower survey for the UK in the pay week containing 14 September 2009.  It contains all the data and information published separately in the overview and individual occupation reports.


It is a reference document, which should assist companies in assessing their wage costs and making decisions about the recruitment and deployment of people.  Also, it enables guidance and assistance to be given to member companies on wages’ structures and earnings’ levels.  Finally, the data is an essential tool for negotiations at all levels.


114 companies, covering 5,470 employees, supplied data for this analysis.

Price: £250.00

 Additional Items Available
 Salary Report 
 Salary Report 
 This report summarises the findings of the BPIF Salary survey for the UK. 
   > more information 
 Offer Price: £250.00 
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