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Printing for profit
Printing for profit
This report summarises the findings of the BPIF Printing for profit survey for the UK, it analyses company accounts data with financial year-ends ranging from March 2005 to January 2007.
The Printing for profit report, supported by Canon, will provide you with an analysis of 17 productivity and profitability ratios (ratios such as; value of output per head and net profit as a percentage of capital employed) for; the National Industry; Scotland; 12 different sectors of the industry; and makes comparisons with the previous year.
The 2007 report also contains a new section on digital printing and an expanded comment on comparisons with the UK economy and other European industries. 
165 companies, covering 14,724 employees, supplied data for this analysis.  The total turnover of all respondents was £1.4 billion (approx. 9.3% of the entire industry).

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 Salary Report 
 Salary Report 
 This report summarises the findings of the BPIF Salary survey for the UK. 
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 Offer Price: £250.00 
 Manpower Report 
 Manpower Report 
 This report summarises the findings of the BPIF Manpower survey for the UK ...  
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 Offer Price: £250.00 
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